編號 書名 售價 作者
A102 課程發展與領導(Curriculum Leadership: Strategies for Development and Implementation 2/e) NT$ 500 Allan A. Glatthorn, Floyd Boschee、Bruce M.WhiteheadAllan A.Glatthorn,Floyd Boschee、Bruce M. Whitehead
ISBN: 9789866654589
A103 教育領導與管理 (Leading and Managing People in Education) NT$ 450
ISBN: 9789866654138
A104 教育領導與組織永續發展 (Leadership for Mortals:Developing and Sustaining Leaders of Learning) NT$ 400
ISBN: 9789867464736
A105 學校領導新潮 (The Essentials of School Leadership) NT$ 450
ISBN: 9789867464965
A107 教育變革新意義(The New Meaning of Educational Change) NT$ 500
ISBN: 9789866654572
A111 教育變革領導(Changing Leadership for Changing Times) NT$ 400
ISBN: 9789861577302