編號 書名 售價 作者
S610 Nancy Clark運動營養指南 NT$ 450 Nancy Clark
ISBN: 9789866287732
S628 體育教材教法-科際整合模式(Interdisciplinary Elementary Physical Education, 2e) NT$ 450 Theresa Purcell Cone、Peter H. Werner、Stephen L. Cone
ISBN: 9789866287749
S131 自閉症兒童的體能遊戲與活動 NT$ 350 Michelle Grenier
ISBN: 9789864470020
E214 邁向成功老化—高齡者運動指導(Bending the Aging Curve: The Complete Exercise Guide for Older Adults) NT$ 450 Joseph F. Signorile
ISBN: 9789865998349
E215 高齡者體適能測驗手冊(Senior Fitness Test Manual) NT$ 350 Roberta E. Rikli、C. Jessie Jones
ISBN: 9789865998400
E216 高齡者休閒遊憩活動規劃與設計以嬰兒潮世代為例(Leisure Programming for Baby Boomers) NT$ 400 Lynda J. Cochran, Anne M. Rothschadl,、Jodi L. Rudick
ISBN: 9789865998592
L601 運動傷害與防護 NT$ 350 鄭賀珍、鄧志娟
ISBN: 9789572861233
S668 NSCA私人教練(NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training, 3E) NT$ 900 Brad J. Schoenfeld & Ronald L. Snarr
ISBN: 9786269638482
SY601 全方位活腦健體雙適能:銀髮世代隨時隨地享受鍛鍊 NT$ 360 吳蕙如、黃盛祥、黃昱、莊宜靜、鄭立翎
ISBN: 9786269747603
S633 運動解剖學(Kinetic Anatomy 4E) NT$ 450 Robert S. Behnke, HSD & Jennifer Plant, EdD
ISBN: 9786269638499
E623 運動與健康老化生理學(Physiology of exercise and healthy aging, 2nd ed) NT$ 450 Albert W. Taylor
ISBN: 9786269638475
S667 體適能與全人健康 (Fitness for Life, 7ed.) NT$ 500 Charles B. Corbin, Darla M. Castelli,、Benjamin A. Sibley, Guy C. Le Masurier
ISBN: 9786269638444
SY615-3 健身運動心理學:理論與實務的整合(中文三版)(The Psychology of Exercise:Integrating Theory and Practice, 5th edition) NT$ 600 Curt L. Lox, Kathleen A. Martin Ginis、Heather L. Gainforth, Steven J. Petruzzello
ISBN: 9789860622867
S665 運動社會學(Social Issues in Sport (4ed)) NT$ 500 Ronald B. Woods, B. Nalani Butler
ISBN: 9786269638406
S647 NSCA運動營養指南(NSCA’s Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition, 2ed) NT$ 420 Bill I. Campbell
ISBN: 9786269567270
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