編號 書名 售價 作者
FW352 作息本位之早期介入:藉由常規支持幼兒及其家庭(Routines-Based Early Intervention: Supporting Young Children and Their Families) NT$ 420 R. A. McWilliam
ISBN: 9789865998936
S134 注意力不足過動症、學習障礙、自閉症類群障礙、妥瑞氏症、焦慮症以及更多—混合症候群的輔導指引(Kids in the Syndrome Mix of ADHD, LD, Autism Spectrum, Tourette's, Anxiety, and More! The one-stop guide for parents, teachers, and other professionals, 2nd edition) NT$ 350 Martin L. Kutscher、Tony Attwood、Robert R. Wolff
ISBN: 9789864470051
F218 兒童行為輔導(Constructive Guidance and Discipline: Preschool and Primary Education, 5th ed) NT$ 450
ISBN: 9789866654831
F223 教育心理學(Educational Psychology, 14ed) NT$ 680 Anita Woolfolk
ISBN: 9789864471560
S150 自閉症新突破--愛兒展能方案(Autism breakthrough : the groundbreaking method that has helped families all over the world) NT$ 400 Raun K. Kaufman
ISBN: 9789864470815
F319 行為改變技術:原理與程序(Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures, 6e) NT$ 550 Raymond G. Miltenberger
ISBN: 9789869462655
FW351 兒童學前課堂投入:提升兒童生活參與(Engagement of Every Child in the Preschool Classroom) NT$ 320 R. A. McWilliam、Amy M. Casey
ISBN: 9789865998813
F135 幼兒行為輔導與重塑 (Behaviour Recovery, 2/e) NT$ 350
ISBN: 9789867464620
F138 幼兒社會能力輔導 (Fostering Children’s Social Competence: The Teacher’s Role) NT$ 320
ISBN: 9789570374773
F160N 幼兒情緒發展 (The Emotional Development of Young Children) NT$ 380
ISBN: 9789867464514