編號 書名 售價 作者
W232 做夢柑仔店:國小資優課程與教學設計 NT$ 250 李家兆
ISBN: 9789864472314
SS417 資優教育課程設計與教學模式應用(Curriculum Development and Application of Teaching Models in Gifted and Talented Education) NT$ 600 郭靜姿 等著
ISBN: 9789865998950
S102 資優教育概論(Education of the Gifted and Talented, 6th ed) NT$ 600 Gary A. Davis、Sylvia B. Rimm、Del Siegle
ISBN: 9789866654961
S110 特殊族群資優教育:身心障礙資優學生與低成就族群(Twice-Exceptional Gifted Children: Understanding, Teaching, and Counseling Gifted Students) NT$ 350 Beverly A. Trail, Ed.D.
ISBN: 9789865998288
S111 資優生心理輔導與諮商(Models of Counseling: Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults) NT$ 400 Sal Mendaglio, Ph.D.、Jean Sunde Peterson, Ph.D.
ISBN: 9789865998172
S112A 資賦優異學生教材教法(上)(Methods and materials for teaching the gifted) NT$ 400 Frances A. Karnes、Suzanne M. Bean
ISBN: 9789865998387
S123 創造力與創新教育:創造力教學實務指引(Educating for Creativity and Innovation: A Comprehensive Guide for Research-Based Practice) NT$ 370 Donald J. Treffinger、Patricia F. Schoonover、Edwin C. Selby
ISBN: 9789865998707
S124 領導才能:理論與實務(Leadership: Theory and Practice, 6e) NT$ 450 Peter G. Northouse
ISBN: 9789865998554
SY428 創造力關鍵思考技法 NT$ 420 潘裕豐、原來、孫易新、黃惇勝、游健弘、蕭詠今、張雨霖、邱發忠、陳學志、許和捷
ISBN: 9789865998523
S112B 資賦優異學生教材教法(下) NT$ 300 Frances A. Karnes、Suzanne M. Bean
ISBN: 9789865998769