編號 書名 售價 作者
SY140 輔助科技在特殊教育之運用(Education Tech Points: A framework for Assistive Technology) NT$ 400 Gayl Bowser 、Penny Reed
ISBN: 9789864470297
S236 特殊教育導論(Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education, 13e) NT$ 550 Hallahan, Daniel P.、Kauffman, James M.、Pullen, Paige C.
ISBN: 9789864470105
F168 早期療育 NT$ 550 曹純瓊、劉蔚萍、楊意賢、林美專、鍾美智、陳珠瑾、黃巧雯、張維寧、余玻莉、郭怡礽、范筱嵐、蘇瑞雲、蔡青芬、游敏媛、謝碧月、王銀絲、林惠琴、許晉銘、董愉斐、鄭寶惠、鄧季芳、顏于玲
ISBN: 9789867464538
S235 學習障礙與補救教學教材教法(Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Problems, 9e) NT$ 550 Sharon Vaughn、Candace S. Bos
ISBN: 9789864470273
S421 定向行動(Orientation and Mobility) NT$ 420 杞昭安、賀夏梅、何世芸、劉芷晴、林慶仁、莊素貞、梁成一、張弘昌、鄭靜瑩、洪慧英、黃國晏
ISBN: 9789864470068
S216-2 親師合作與家庭支援:普通與特殊教育中的信任夥伴關係(二版)(Families, Professionals, and Exceptionality: Positive Outcomes Through Partnerships and Trust, 8th edition) NT$ 500 Ann Turnbull、Rud Turnbull、Grace L. Francis
ISBN: 9789864472338
S238-2 重度障礙學生教學(二版)(Teaching Students with Severe Disabilities, 6e) NT$ 600 David L. Westling, Erik W. Carter、M. Alexandra Da Fonte & Jennifer A. Kurth
ISBN: 9789864471744
S144 亞斯成人的指南:性×毒品×亞斯伯格症候群(Sex, Drugs and Asperger’s Syndrome (ASD): A User Guide to Adulthood) NT$ 360 Luke Jackson、推薦者:Tony Attwood
ISBN: 9789864471171
S142-2 亞斯族武功秘笈:實用社交規則手冊(二版) NT$ 400 Jennifer Cook
ISBN: 978-986-447-234-5
S204-3 溝通障礙導論:以實證本位觀點為導向(三版)(Introduction to Communication Disorders: A Lifespan Evidence-Based Perspective, 6th Edition)★『榮獲考選部國家考試指定命題參考用書』★ NT$ 550 Robert E. Owens Jr., Kimberly A. Farinella
ISBN: 9789864471249
S442 特殊教育行政 NT$ 550 周台傑、廖永堃、張蓓莉、葉瓊華、盧台華、莊妙芬、陳明聰、孟瑛如、王瓊珠、詹士宜、林惠芬、張英鵬、胡永崇
ISBN: 9789864471270
S139 智能障礙性教育:性相關行為問題的評量、介入與性健康促進(Intellectual Disability and Problems in Sexual Behaviour: Assessment, Treatment and Promotion of Healthy Sexuality) NT$ 250 Robin Wilson and Michelle Burns
ISBN: 9789864470525
S141 自閉症及其他特殊需求孩子家長的職能治療指引:動作技能、感覺統合、如廁訓練等之實用策略(The Parent’s Guide to Occupational Therapy for Autism and Other Special Needs: practical strategies for motor skills, sensory integration, toilet training, and more) NT$ 250 Cara Koscinski
ISBN: 9789864470440
S134 注意力不足過動症、學習障礙、自閉症類群障礙、妥瑞氏症、焦慮症以及更多—混合症候群的輔導指引(Kids in the Syndrome Mix of ADHD, LD, Autism Spectrum, Tourette's, Anxiety, and More! The one-stop guide for parents, teachers, and other professionals, 2nd edition) NT$ 350 Martin L. Kutscher、Tony Attwood、Robert R. Wolff
ISBN: 9789864470051
FW351 兒童學前課堂投入:提升兒童生活參與(Engagement of Every Child in the Preschool Classroom) NT$ 320 R. A. McWilliam、Amy M. Casey
ISBN: 9789865998813
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