The Value, Purposes and Priorities of Museum in the 21st Century
書  名: The Value, Purposes and Priorities of Museum in the 21st Century
書  碼: W311
作  者: 林詠能
出 版 社: 華騰文化股份有限公司
紙本書價: NT$ 400
電子書價: NT$ 200
ISBN: 9789860286960
出版日期: 2011/9/15
頁  數: 280
開  數: 16開
紙本書加入購物車  電子書加入購物車     線上試讀     全文閱讀     書籍參考資料


Preface Yung-Neng Lin and Richard  Sandell



1.          The Elusive Ideal: Multiculturalism in Museums    K. Linda Tzang      1



2.          Museums Bridging the Employability Gap    John Bull         9



3.          Museum Approaches to Accessibility and Inclusion: Enhancing Learning in Museums for People with Disabilities    Yayoi Mashimo    15



4.          What Does the Credit Crunch mean for Community Engagement in Museums? Re-Visioning Newcastle’s Discovery Museum in a Recession    Hazel Edwards      27



5.          The Museum, a Temple or the Forum? A Preliminary Exploration of “Voyage 15840 – Migrant Worker Photography Exhibition” at Ludi Community College, Taiwan    Pang-Yen Cheng 39



6.          The Immigration Museum of Indonesia    Ajeng Ayu Arainikasih     53



7.          A Comparison of Student Visitors’ Comprehension of Biology: Two Approaches to Content Exposure from Guided Tours    Pei-Hsuan Hsieh and Hsin-Chen Chang    63




8.          Present Spaces. Approaching a Social Scenography in Museums of the 21st Century    Beat Hächler      75 



9.          Re-Examining the Heritage-Community Dynamics in Taiwan: Tales of Local Cultural Workshops    Han-Yin Huang          79



10.       Crossing Cultures: Redefining and Redisplaying the Ashmolean Museum    Henry S. Kim and Frederic Meyvaert      89



11.       Structure and Practice: Regulation and Roles of Art Museum Education in China and Taiwan    Yun-Ju Chen     99



12.       Learning in Japanese Museums: Case Study at Two Local History Museums    Mai Onishi    109



13.       Educational Provisions for the Children under 5s at the Geffrye Museum    Jaekyung Lee          123



14.       Keeping up with the Time: The Role of Museums in the Distribution of Contemporary Art Looking at an Asian Country    Sabine Grosser        135





15.       The Politics of Representation of Taiwan Indigenous Groups in the Museums of Taipei    Marzia Varutti 147



16.       Diversifying Fashion Exhibits to Include South Asian Culture in the Mainstream: A Case Study of the Victoria and Albert Museum and Snibston Discovery Museum    Viswani Melissa Mogan Kumar     157



17.       Transformation, Integration and Identity Formation: Bahay Tsinoy – Museum of the Chinese in Philippine Life    Carmelea Ang See      173



18.       An Examination of the Determinants of Visitors’ Intentions to Revisit Museums    Chi-Ming Hsieh, Gail A. Vander Stoep and Sung Hee Park   185



19.       Exploring Museum Internal Service Chain: An Empirical Test    Shang-Ching Yeh        205



20.       The Evolving Science Museum    Robert Mac West          219



21.       Museum Exhibition as a Way of Policy Discussion: NCKU’s Exhibition of Purdue-Formosa Project as an Example    Jeng-Horng Chen and Patricia H. Huang    229



22.       To Inspire Creativity: Developing Innovative Multimedia in the National Palace Museum    I-Ling Liu, Chun-Ko Hsieh, James Q.P. Lin and Josephine H.L. Chu        237



23.       Development of Multimedia and Interactive Guide Used in Museums: Learning Art through Constructive Appreciation and Criticism    Tam Cheung On and Ng Mau Wai      253



24.       Copyright and Licensing Issues of National Palace Museum    Chih-Chieh Yang           265
