A study of aesthetic art in the early childhood education for underprivileged groups
書  名: A study of aesthetic art in the early childhood education for underprivileged groups
書  碼: WW532
作  者: 李之光
出 版 社: 華騰文化股份有限公司
紙本書價: NT$ 280
ISBN: 9789864471027
出版日期: 2018/5/22
頁  數: 170
開  數: 16開
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The study presented in this book focused on the disadvantaged groups in the community. For the purpose of this research, investigations and interviews were used to collect data from five types of vulnerable groups: developmentally delayed young children who are in the inclusion classrooms, young indigenous children, children of new immigrants in Taiwan, nursery institutions of infants and young children, and early intervention organization for children with disabilities. After four years of long-term involvement with these vulnerable groups, I finally completed the publication of this treatise.

1 Effects of the Design and Teaching of Musical Activities at an Early Intervention Organization on Children with Disabilities
2 A Study of the Emotional Effect of Musical Activities on Young Children at a Childcare Organization
3 The Positive Emotional Impact of Music Education on Underprivileged Groups: Children of New Immigrants in Taiwan
4 Effects of Aesthetic Education on the Mood of Underprivileged Children: The Example of Musical Activities for Young Indigenous Children
5 Effects of Aesthetic Art on a Developmentally Delayed Young Child