Families as Partners in Education: Families and Schools Working Together (10ed)
書  名: Families as Partners in Education: Families and Schools Working Together (10ed)
書  碼: ZPE-F222-2
出 版 社: PERASON
紙本書價: NT$ 2,900
ISBN: 9780135196724
出版日期: 2019/1/1
頁  數: 400
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 作者 Eugenia Berger (Author), Mari Riojas-Cortez (Author)

Engaging families in children’s education through partnerships and collaboration
Families as Partners in Education is the most comprehensive book on the market covering the history of family/school collaboration, current issues and population trends affecting American schools and communities, diverse family structures, and techniques for establishing connections with parents and encouraging involvement with their child’s learning. Among other themes, the book emphasizes the importance of funds of knowledge for children’s development and for effective partnerships with families (the knowledge that children acquire from their families) and the concept of funds of identity as a catalyst for educators to understand their own identity. Throughout the book, the authors make connections to these concepts not only to help educators understand child development, but also to show how children develop within the context of their families.

10th Edition continues to highlight important parent involvement programs and how such programs are often successful because of their asset-based view of families, particularly those that are diverse, as well as those with children with special abilities. Updated theory and research are included throughout the text, as well as new situational vignettes that illustrate typical parent-school situations.

1 Family—Essential for a Child’s Development 1
2 The Diversity of Families 16
3 Learning About Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children and Families 40
4 Family Engagement: History and Social Influences 65
5 Creating Effective Partnerships:Families, Schools, and Community 86
6 Effective Teacher–Family Communication: Types, Barriers,Conferences, and Programs 123
7 Teacher Leadership for Family Engagement 158
8 Family Engagement Framework in Schools 189
9 Home Programs 218
10 Supporting Families of Children with Special Needs 253
11 Family Violence and Child Abuse 296
12 Families and Child Advocacy 324
References 334
Index 355